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Laser Root Canal Treatment In Gurgaon

Root Canal Treatment also known as Endodontic Treatment is an advanced method of treating the infected carious teeth painlessly. Its main aim is to remove the infected pulp from the tooth and ensure that it is infection free. Laser Root Canal Treatment has proven as an effective treatment for many patients at Punyam Dental Clinic.

By adapting the latest and advanced laser technique at Punyam Dental Clinic has busted the myth that Root Canal Treatment is painful as we offer the painless Endodontic Treatment in Gurugram to our patients of all age groups. So, in such a way Endodontic Treatment is helpful for the patients to get rid of the infected part of their tooth.

Who Needs Endodontic Treatment?

  • Patients who have infected deep carious teeth and feel extended/radiating pain.
  • Patients who feel sensitivity on the deeply infected carious tooth while consuming hot or cold foods or beverages.
  • Patients having swelling/inflammation in a particular tooth (sinus/endo-perio/fistula).
Laser root canal treatment animation

Benefits of Laser Endodontic Treatment

With the advancement in technology in every sector, dentistry has also shown some major changes in the technology over the period of time. Leave those past painful experiences of root canal and experience the new laser technology. With the intense laser light, laser root canal therapy cleans the root canal which melts the debris called as the smear layer containing the bacteria. This technology of cleaning the tooth root is more capable to give you relief. Lasers can kill bacteria and clean the infected area with greater accuracy.

  • It reduces approximately 99.7% bacteria counts in the mouth.
  • Tooth becomes more protective and secured for any future cavity or infection.
  • As it is painless, it reduces the discomfort and limits the need of local anesthesia.

What is the Reason of Root Canal?

When the pulp gets infected, it possess more chances of spreading the infection and in case, if left untreated then it is more likely to trigger pain, tenderness while touching, chewing, swelling, prolonged sensitivity and even tenderness in lymph nodes.

What We Do in Endodontic Treatment at Punyam Dental Clinic?

Punyam Dental Clinic provides root canal treatment with the advent of Dental Laser technique from Biolase technology, which has brought a radical change. The way our endodontists perform the root canal procedure by using laser technique in order to remove the dead tissue. Biolase technology is a leading provider of painless soft tissue dental laser technology.

Punyam Dental Office provides painless root canal treatment in Delhi-NCR keeping your evergreen smile intact and keeps your anxieties at bay. preventing the occurrence of a same infection.

How much time does a Root Canal Treatment take?

The Root Canal procedure usually is a single visit procedure. In case, if the procedure is done for the second time on the same tooth then it is considered to take minimum of two appointments, depending upon the clinical situation of a patient.

What are the success rates of Endodontic Treatment?

Success rates of Endodontic procedure vary from patient to patient and according to the clinical situation and oral hygiene. Most endodontic procedures have a success rate as close to 99%.