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Undeniably the expansion of more and more expertise in dental implant treatment have led more chances to be successful. But there is still a little threat of failure which can be torturous for everyone.
With the advent of Osstell, it is particularised a device to analyse the dental implant stability where the stability of implants that can be measured in an objective and non-invasive manner through Universal ISQ Scale.
It has ascertained the optimal time to load each implant. While it has ensured to make the dental implants safer, indeed this has been the ultimate goal in the field of Implant dentistry to evaluate a particular ISQ (Implant Stability Quotient) level where the implants are correlated successfully with Osseointegration.
Osstell Mentor, uses a RFA (Resonance Frequency Analysis) as a method to measure and improve the ISQ with faster measuring results, increased efficiency, It displays, the value to judge the Implant stability, which in turns helps to study, if the Implant can be loaded immediately, Intermediate or delayed.
It offers the early detection to avoid premature loading of the Implant, and helps us to manage the patients’ risks effectively. At Punyam Dental Office, it is one of our primary device to get the scientific value of an Implant integration to the natural bone.